Student Instructors for the course EU Institutions and Administration

apartmentSyddansk Universitet placeOdense calendar_month 

The Department of Political Science and Public Management invites applications for a number of student instructors to conduct exercise classes during the spring semester 2025 under the Academic Study Board of Political Science, Journalism, Sociology and European Studies. The course is:

EU Institutions and Administration, Sønderborg

Each exercise class consists of 30 teaching hours during the spring semester plus preparation. Furthermore, the student instructors will meet and coordinate with the lecturer and other instructors. In total, approx. 90 working hours per exercise class.

Please notice that for instructors teaching more than one exercise class in the same course, the number of hours for additional classes will be lower.

For further information, please contact Jaume Castan Pinos or see the course description on the study programme website.


Employment is pursuant to the rules in the collective agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Studenteransattes Landsforbund (the Danish association of student employees) for student teachers at universities with the associated protocol.

Applicants must be enrolled as active students at SDU.

The initial employment period is 3 years or as otherwise agreed.

The application must include the following:

  • Motivated application
  • CV
  • Transcript of grades from SDU
  • Proof of enrollment
  • Any other relevant material

Open the link "Apply now", where you fill in the application form and upload your two files.

Documents should not contain CPR number. If so, the CPR number should be crossed out.

All uploaded files mush be in Adobe PDF format.

Cover Letter and CV must max. take up 10 Mb.

The University of Southern Denmark wants to reflect the surrounding society and therefore encourage everyone regardless of personal background to apply for the position.

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